What’s involved | The Association of Corporate Treasurers

What’s involved

CPD podcast - the nuts and bolts of the ACT's CPD scheme

List to the podcast which summarises the ACT's CPD scheme.

Introduction to CPD: a podcast

Introducing the CPD cycle

Follow our three-stage cycle and you’ll be a step closer to your next career goal.



Think about any skills you might be missing – both technically and personally. Then plan how to fill in the gaps with a CPD activity programme.

If you’re unsure which CPD activity you need, make a note of your current role and aims and ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What are my development goals?
  2. What do I need to do to achieve these goals?
  3. Where can I improve at work?
  4. What resources do I need?


There are a number of activities that count towards your CPD and help fill in your skills gaps, including:

  1. Work-based learning
  2. Secondments
  3. Reading technical reports and journals
  4. Research
  5. Joining discussion and networking groups
  6. External training, such as attending conferences or breakfast meetings
  7. Studying for a professional qualification.


Think about how much your activities have helped you progress towards your goals. Have you achieved everything you set out to?

Remember to update your CPD record with everything you’ve learnt and experienced. Make sure you record anything new, including anything you’ve learnt on an informal basis, or any key outcomes.

Don’t forget!

With our CPD scheme, there is no set amount of hours or points to complete. We don’t look at the number of courses you’ve attended. Instead, you judge for yourself how much time to dedicate to your CPD activities.

Am I doing enough?

A good benchmark for someone who is professionally active on a full time basis would be around 30 hours per year.

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