What counts as CPD? | The Association of Corporate Treasurers

What counts as CPD?

CPD activities are driven by your individual needs, objectives and personal development.

So whatever your activity, if it’s relevant to your career and you can explain how it’s applied at work, then it counts towards your CPD.

The great thing about CPD is that you can use a variety of different ways to achieve your goals. It’s not all about attending training courses. You could include:

Work based learning
  • Researching and preparing for a presentation
  • New projects, like installing a new treasury system
  • On-the-job training
  • Coaching/mentoring colleagues
  • Secondment
  • Learning about new developments in daily interactions with markets.
  • ACT qualification
  • MBA/MSc
  • Other professional or academic qualifications
  • ACT training course
  • Other treasury or professional training course
  • Other training courses, such as ‘negotiation skills’
  • Writing an article for a publication like The Treasurer.
Professional activity
  • Joining an ACT committee or working group
  • Attending an ACT regional group meeting
  • Involvement in a professional body
  • Attending the ACT's Annual Conference
  • Joining workshops, seminars and breakfasts
  • Providing mentoring support
  • Contributing to a discussion group/forum
  • Pro-bono activities.
Self-directed learning
  • Reading The Treasurer magazine, journals and the financial press
  • Reviewing books/articles
  • Researching online
Bring your CPD activities to life

Here are a few real-world examples of how you could put your CPD activities into practise.

Join in

Attend an ACT briefing on OTC derivative regulation, a topic you have identified as one of your CPD learning objectives.

Read up

Update your knowledge on managing pension risk and spend time reading and researching the topic.


Research a new subject area in preparation for the delivery of a presentation to colleagues. The time spent researching counts towards your CPD. You can also count delivering your presentation, if you have identified ‘presentation skills’ as a CPD objective.

Profiles of treasurers and their CPD

Hear from members about why personal development is important and what mechanisms they uses to ensure their professional development is kept on track.

George Karalis, Corporate Advisory, Chatham Financial Europe Ltd

What skills do you need to work in treasury and why is it important to keep these up to date.

Corporate treasury is a dynamic and diverse environment and I believe that analytical and presentation skills combined with project management experience are required for an individual to be a well-rounded treasury professional.

The analytical skills help in identifying and analyzing risk exposures as well as discovering risk mitigation solutions. The technical skills are very important given that the risk management as well as financing tools available to the treasury team require technical knowledge and expertise. The communication and presentation skills are very relevant in relation to dealings with both internal (senior management, accounting etc) but also with external relationships (banks, investors, rating agencies etc). Project management is important given that many treasury projects require engagement with multiple stakeholders.

How did you first get started with CPD and what format do you use to record this?

I started fairly recently. I use the word document that is available on the website as I find this a flexible way of recording what I am doing – and it is easy to pull up whenever I need it.

How have the ACT’s resources supported you/ helped you to develop?

The qualification process as well as the magazine, conferences and seminars provide the opportunity to build on the core skills and continuously refresh and improve upon them.

In addition to that, through the different events provided, there are lots of opportunities for sharing ideas and discussing considerations and trends with the wider treasury community.

How do you make sure you reflect on your learning?

I think reflection is very important as it helps me to understand what forms of learning work for me. I find regular attendance at ACT events (seminars, training, conferences) work well – and I always ensure I have a ‘take home’ message at the end of the event to focus my learning.

What have been the tangible outcomes of your CPD?

Having to focus on my professional development has helped me to assess areas for improvements on my skills set and the tools available to address those so that I continuously work towards becoming more efficient.

Gary Williams, Mitsubishi Corporation International (Europe)

Why is treasury important?

I’d say in most organisations treasury is the limbs of the organisation. It makes things happen - such as funding, investing, foreign exchange, trade finance, cash management and most importantly payments. Treasury responsibilities do not often make headline news but they underpin the financial stability of any company.

What skills do you need to work in treasury and why is it important to keep these up to date

Having a keen eye and understanding the environment you work in and especially what external developments may impact your department’s activities and/or your company’s business is of key importance. Given the myriad of information available it is not always straight-forward to identify, analyse and assess what the outcome of these developments may be. Lately, the implementation of regulatory developments such as E.M.I.R has required a firm understanding of the situation, and keeping up-to-date with these developments is so important.

How did you first get started with CPD and what format do you use to record your CPD?

I have always been aware of the need to keep up-to-date. The ACT’s new scheme has helped me to formalise this. I rely on the ACT’s CPD log system to capture, review and update my objectives -the system is straightforward to use and make updates to.

How do you make sure you reflect on your learning?

As a routine, I review the objectives on a quarterly basis to make sure they are still valid and that I don’t forget them! I sometimes realise that there have been activities which I have undertaken that qualify for CPD, so I add these.

For example, I recently attended a leadership program course at our Head office where I joined interactive lectures on change, crisis, learning, diversity and management. Whilst there was no mention of FRA’s or IRS’s I was pleasantly surprised that such an activity counted towards my ACT CPD.

How have the ACT’s resources supported your development?

I try to attend the regional group meetings as the subjects covered are usually current and matters that I need to know about. I consider this a small investment to acquire knowledge that I can impart to the people I work with.

What have been the tangible outcomes of your CPD?

I have found that CPD related activities provide useful input into my performance review process including appraisal and bonus objectives. At review time it is not always easy to think of what development activities I have undertaken thoughout the year but by actively identifying and registering them, the job is a whole lot easier.

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