Cash Management Supplement Autumn 2008 | The Association of Corporate Treasurers

Cash Management Supplement Autumn 2008

Cash Management Supplement Autumn 2008Treasurers know cash is always important in good times as well as bad. But in these more difficult times the rest of the business stops taking cash for granted and becomes interested in liquidity.

The Treasurer, in conjunction with Deutsche Bank as founding sponsor, launched the Cash Management supplement just over a year ago. In those days few would have forecast the credit crunch, or how cash management was consequently set to rise up the corporate agenda.

Now it is hard to have a treasury-related conversation without discussing liquidity and cash management. A whole range of cash management topics are demanding the attention of treasurers as they work with colleagues, both in the rest of the finance department and elsewhere in the business.

The challenges that treasurers face are reflected in the agenda of this supplement. With features by leading banks and writers on The Treasurer, this publication discusses the major business and regulatory cash management issues facing treasurers today. Treasurers need to be aware of the rapidly changing landscape, the products and the solutions that may benefit their business, and the shifting risks that impact liquidity and cash.

Cash and liquidity are always key business drivers, but now more than ever is a time to be aware of the issues.

Peter Williams

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