Confirmation of booking
Places at meetings are limited and priority will be given to ACT members and students. The ACT reserves the right to restrict the number of non-members attending regional meeting especially in the London area. Places are allocated on a first-to-book basis although the ACT reserves the right to prioritise places for ACT members, or restrict places by membership category, or area of business. Your booking is not guaranteed until you receive a confirmation email from the ACT. Please wait for this confirmation before making any travel arrangements. If you attend a meeting without having received a confirmation the ACT reserves the right to deny your entry.
Cancellation or alteration of meeting
In the unlikely event that the ACT is forced to cancel the meeting it will make every effort to contact you as soon as possible. Nevertheless, we advise that you check the ACT website at, as well as your e-mails, to ensure the meeting has not been cancelled, before setting off for it.
The ACT also reserves the right to make minor alterations to the content and timing of the programme of the meeting or the identity of the speakers.
If a meeting is altered or cancelled the ACT shall have no responsibility for any expenses you may incur in travelling to attend.
If, having booked a place, you find you can no longer attend a meeting, please notify the ACT at the earliest opportunity so that your place can be offered to someone on the waiting list. If you repeatedly fail to send notice of your cancellation the ACT reserves the right to refrain from offering you a place at future free-to-attend ACT events.
Refunds (for paid events)
Full refunds can be given on request if cancellation is received in writing 14 days prior to the event. No refund can be given thereafter.
The ACT shall have no responsibility for anyone acting as a result of information or views expressed at this meeting. The views or opinions expressed by any participant are not necessarily those of the ACT. You should always take professional advice in relation to your own specific situation.
The materials distributed at regional meetings are protected by copyright and you must not copy, duplicate or reproduce any part of them in any form without the ACT’s prior consent.
Consent to filming
The ACT films, records and photographs its event for broadcast on, among other things, its website. By booking a place at an event you confirm your agreement with the ACT that:
If you don't consent to the ACT filming, recording or photographing you at the event then please notify the cameraperson or photographer at the time and email